Jude Hardin

Author, Drummer, Turtle Whisperer

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Location: United States

Wednesday, June 05, 2013


Today I have a guest post over on Joe Konrath's blog. Please stop by and say hello!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jude,

i will be following your journey with interest. i sp-ed my first book in December and am in the process of re-publishing it.

i am in a day job and it's danged tough to juggle the day job and writing and promotion.


8:52 AM  
Anonymous Alexandra said...

Hi, Jude. I'm really impressed by your courage to leave your day job for your dream, especially this job that sounded so great.

A dream is something fluffy and aerial, like a cloud up in the skies. It takes a rocket to get there, but you'll never know until you try.

I really, really want you to find that rocket and hear you roar high and loud when you get that cloud.

And whatever your path may be, whatever the results may be, always believe in yourself. Always. Reach for the stars. Even if you fail, you'll always land on the Moon.



10:56 AM  
Blogger Jude Hardin said...

i will be following your journey with interest.

Thanks, Ty! It is tough to juggle all that. Best of luck with it!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Jude Hardin said...

I really, really want you to find that rocket and hear you roar high and loud when you get that cloud.

Thanks, Alex! Giving it my best shot!

12:11 PM  

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